mirror mirror

Написано по "Хроникам Нарнии" Клайва Льюиса.

Mirror mirror on the wall
Will I stand or will I fall

Oh thou will stand so long, my king
But though might be thy end
Thou know it'll be no magic ring
To move thou from this land

Thy lands and men deserve the best
The best thou never was
Thy little light thou bore in chest
So long ago thou lost

Thou've never been a king, my lord
Thou've only been a shade
And heart that on the sleeve thou wore
Was used just to evade

And all thou've done thou've done for trust
But standing in the end
Could say thou - Edmund, King the Just
Was worth erasing Ed

Mirror mirror on the wall
How to wear this face I stole

Спасибо вам!

Эйрхарт   22.11.2017 01:22   Заявить о нарушении
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