Kiss the rain

I'm sorry, I broke my promises, just as always.
I wanted cloudy boys, as a reason I lost my sundays
Behind everything dirty and dark, that I have in my chest.
I've never been easy. Now I feel on my skin a wind from northwest.
It came in my nowhere. It put out my beautiful flames.
I wanted to share my light with those who've been chased,
Misunderstood, betrayed or unfairly hurt.

Помни, что в далекой, огромной стране

That is the maximum of everything I can give.
Me with my bitten nails, sore knees and blind belief
In something tender and pure, in your queerly simple smile.
I believe that everything is going to be alright in a while.
That is the maximum of everything you can take.
You with your insidious fears of being a fake,
With your young wild blood, smart looking eyes and brave heart,
With those little details, which (if we weren't we) I would love love love.

I'm sorry, I broke my promises. I disturbed you again.
I don't want you to take a train or a plane.
I don't want to be the reason why you feel pain.

When my face will suddenly appear in your memory,
close your eyes,
Feel the rain,
kiss the rain.

В далёкой, огромной стране кто-то улыбнётся тебе в ответ, будь уверен.
