Wait for me, and I ll return Жди меня и я вернусь

Wait for me, and I'll return,
But you should very wait.
Wait, when you've been made to mourn
By yellow rainning spate.
Wait, when blizzard snows so hard,
Wait, when it stays hot.
Wait, when others, in discard,
Were by friends forgot.
Wait, when from the distant place
Letters will be lost.
Wait, when others give up chase,
Being in exhaust.

Wait for me, and I'll return,
And don't wish any good
To those, who certainly discern
That you forget me should.
Let the mother and the son
Believe that I'm dead,
Let the mates think now I'm numb.
Near blazing red
They will sit, and bitter wine
They will drink for me.
Wait, and at the same hard time
To drink, please, don't agree.

Wait for me, and I'll return,
In spite of all the deaths.
Those, who didn't wait might spurn,
'Lucky' - said with breath.
No one ever understands,
How among the flames,
Expectations, like some bends,
Made me living safe.
How I stayed alive will know
Only you and me.
Simply you've been waiting so
Noone could ever be.

Originally by Konstantin Simonov.
