Granny s Song

1) I wish I could tell you how much I’m missing
Only now I realize you're real God's blessing
I wish I could hold you and take your hand
I don’t wanna believe you lay in that cold land
You poured your tenderness down on me, nanny
Please, forgive I returned so little care, my dear granny

Chorus: You were best granny in the world
You deserved this was every day told
Your hands were made of a pure gold
Creating the beauty of all that’s involved
We all here miss you so much
I wish we could get somehow in touch
But I know it’s now impossible
        Other world is yet invisible

2) I wish I could see your face smiling again
I wish you’d have never felt that horrible pain
I didn’t believe you could die till the end
Why it happens so cruel I still don’t understand
The only one thought that helps me to hold on
In heavenly city of flowers you are now living on…
