Tired, lonely, devastated

I'm tired to be support for all
And with an everlasting smile on face
It's like a clown in a circus, I
Carrying all the positivity and joy

Be strong, strong like the lava
Frozen into the indestructible stone must be
But few who knows that it's only a mask, makeup, make-believe
As clown I dress it every day

But under layer of this force is only human
Alive, of flesh and blood,emotions
Who's struggling with himself
and with the fact what eats him from inside

Can't open to anyone
And show who in fact I'm
After all,everyone condemn, don't understand
Will say, to be like a stone

Must be strong
and with a smile on a face,
reveling with an optimism
pass unwaveringly the path
that inscribed on earth for me

But I can no longer ... tired of lies, hypocrisy and indifference ...
Nobody cares about who you are and what burns inside you ...
