A Dream

Forever lonely mountains that rise above the plains;
And twisting paths abruptly ending in sharp cliffs,
That sink into the swirl of tides in noisy bays;
Into enraptured chirp wrapped woods that cover hills;
By dazzling lights of towers of glass lit busy streets –
The whole world is plunging into dark and realm of dreams.

It’s only me who cannot get a single wink of soothing sleep.
As if a boat, the Moon is ploughing seas of endless skies.
Disturbs the curtains’ rustle softly swaying in a gentle breeze.
I wish I’d jump above the far away free sailing clouds,
Above the pearly stars that dance on waves and sing in choirs.
A witness of my dreams, what’s there in the hearts at these late hours?

When anguish over heart of being long apart,
I’d like to turn into a bird to sing the sweetest song all through the night.
When glows like torch in envy, hatred, spite,
I’d like to be a rain to put it out and open space for joy of living, loving, being loved.
When flooded by the tears of unrequited love,
I’d like to fly in like the wind to dry them up.

The brightest lamp that guides me on these long, lonely nights
Among the sparkling stars of purest blue and red, and white
Is casting last uneasy rays upon my sleeping eyes,
And too in great a hurry to hide behind the furthest edge of western sky.
The East, already tinted into pink, a day invites.
Why cannot try the Moon, the Sun to make good friends at least for once?
