Flying Mu

I wish I was the Flying Mu
And had no need to walk
I'd fly myself up in the blue
And all around the block

I'd take a fly into a bar
To celebrate my skills
And then i'd fly to chase a star
And go for other thrills

No shoes, no shirt, just plain white pants
And fists above my head
The wind will take me into trance
With nothing else to add

I'd fly away from any grief
And never have a strife
Became a smuggler or a thief
And live a wealthy life

The sky is just an endless space
So big that you can drown
With all the birds I'd want to race
Until they tumble down

But here I stand, inside the maze
As yellow as the marge*
And four my rivals run and chase
Until I eat one large

* Имеется в виду маргарин


Думаю, содержание должно быть понятно тем, кто в детстве проводил время с приставкой NES.

No I wish I WAS, but I wish I WERE. What does mean the word "mu"? Maybe there is a misprint and you meant "my"? With good luck, Victory Murdock.

Виктори Мердок   06.04.2018 19:56     Заявить о нарушении
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