Forgotten Dreams

Forget about sky,
Forget about me,
But please,don't say yourself goodbye,
To your mind's sea.

You know,i believe in future,
In brightly life with wife together,
I won't need to be like moocher,
Because my family with me.

Remember,dear friend,
You are very fascinating actor!
I know that it's just a trend,
Stand behind mind it's too factor.

Come in,sit down close to the fireplace,
Drink tea and read a lovely book,
Just understand that it's your face,
Try this feeling that's original to hook.

Immerse yourself in huge deep sleep,
Fly and swim there,just be happy,
You know,it's your life and it isn't very cheap,
So do all best in beauty life,
just come to dreams from house in the valley.

Author: Nick Koryakin (Никита Корякин).
Enjoy reading!
