Syndrome of Deep Shit

All bad in life - I m full of seams!
I m so tired ! And  I m sick!-
To put in medical concrete,
You ve got a " Syndrome of Deep shit "

Just easier life . And better feed.
And sweeter carrots in your mink...
And see, you ve got an " urgent" need
To cry at night with flashy drink.

An urgent need to find The Cause
Of all your sorrows , tears tons ,
Compelling Reason and Main Staff..
And holding gingerbread ate half.

Hush, little baby , look around .
You might be not " extremely right "
Bringing yourself to laceration
When took the train to awry station .

You know , how insolent is bum,
If you let him a bit of rum.
How easy - get  in dirty shit,
If step aside and slip a bit .

One nurse was wounded in her paunch
Prior to trench, with the load, she crawls.
And she survives. And now she lives.
She did not think her "mood swings."

Do not be sad, my little one,
In every trouble find some fun.
Let's finish munching gingerbread
And jump into your featherbed.

P. S:
Feel hopeful , loosing , forgiving ..
No matter how gravely it was.
You need to be thankful and giving
Not only " why me" and "because "
