In love to you

In love to you, I stopped the run of my life's horse,
By power of my love I raised it up to stay in rack,
Then, burning everything, I forced my life to go back,
So fire of my soul thy melt the ice of yours.

Your eyes are tender but your look has tease.
You've been created to beckon, seduce and please.
You are an earthly creature, but I would sell for you my soul,
And would betray the God without being afraid of paying toll.

My actions are no longer ruled and judged by reason,
For Love lies high above religion, and worth the blasphemy for treason.
You're the devil in the flesh, you can't forbid me to be cursed for loving matters
And being in awe of love distraught, I throw at your feet my conscience's fetters.

Don't run away from my poetic lines, which just for you I've penned.
They'll anyway catch up with you - so don't even dream of flight.
They do not hurt - their touch is gentle, please accept them, don't fight
- Same way as you have used to take your mother's hand.
