I have good reason not believing in fairy tale

I have good reason not believing  in fairy tale
because you and I was an epic fail
I have good reason not believing in magic spells
because you never cared how I felt

I have good reason not to believe that magic works
because our love had so many flaws
I have good reason my heart is made of steel
because it does not count how I feel

I have good reason to believe love never last
cause we were burned in feelings, pain and lust
I have good reason not believe in magic world
because we just don't work

happily ever after doesn't exist
I can cross it out from my list
I have good reason not to believe in "happy ends"
cause we are not enemies nor friends

I have good reason not to believe in" perfect match"
my soul is left with scar not just a scratch
I have good reason not believe in "Mr.Right"
I do not believe in nobles and the Knights

I have good reason not believing in romance
the same why I don't give second chance
our love was destruction,suffer, pain
torture, disaster and shame

 I have good reason not to believe  in " only one"
I don't believe in " perfect man"
the true love is just fiction, just  a myth
for the kids who still have baby teeth

I have good reason not believe in fairy tale
because you and I was an epic fail
I have good reason not believe in magic word
because you and I just does not work
30.08.16 USA,23
