Бродский, Не выходи из комнаты. Перевод

Don't leave your room, don't make a mistake.
Do you really need the Sun if you are pleased with a cheap cigarette?
Everything's pointless outside, and happiness is a fraud.
Just visit your bathroom and return like a shot.

Don't leave your room, don't call a car.
The space is a corridor that ends up with a taximeter bar.
And if a real girl comes in one day
Don't try to undress her, just kick away.

Don't leave your room, pretend you're sick.
There's nothing more interesting than a wall and its brick.
No reason to leave it if you are back again
The same as you've been, plus filled with new pain.

Don't leave your room. Dance as nobody sees
wearing a coat on naked body and shoes on bare feet. 
Be pleased with what you have, reject the idea to grudge,
to dream of something more for you will be too much.

Don't leave your room. It will be better for space
if only walls can recognize your face.
Be sure and totally convinced that incognito ergo sum
and nothing's good outside, so don't leave your room.

Don't be a fool! Create your own overture.
Don't leave your room! Play the role of furniture.
Build a barricade and lock yourself in
from history, universe, love, society, misery, sin.
