
Process I know, you can see it around
Fly many things, some of them off the ground
Raise in the way, airplanes for example
And in the nature can find, range is ample

Birds, bats, insects you can meet in some region
Yes, they can fly only look on the pigeon
Powered here flight or unpowered, who know
Some moving fast but another can slow

Soaring, gliding without propulsion
Yes, this nice moving give best of emotion
Lizards and squirrels, and snakes, fishes flying
Not, I said truth you can't find nothing lying

Fleshy membranes and wing-like fins on body
Help them to travel, I never drink toddy
Not, I am not kidding, believe, only travel
Yes, this is life, all is simple. Where ravel?

Humans constructed sometimes special objects
They want to fly, have a lot drawing, projects
Go into sky, in the space, nice idea
Changing, improving try reach the ideal

Oh, so much time you had spent on the reading
May be you take special suit and feeding
Consequences will have my perfect thoughts
May be is empty and may be is loads
