The crazy gourmand of love

Yes, I am yours crazy gourmand,
and I love you to all – yours lips, eyes, hair, your hands, shoulders, tong.
I am adored yours breasts, legs, buttress,
other part of your body also
outside and inside you:
pancreas, kidney, liver,
I love some very sensitive part and dots
on the surface of yours appearance and into its hidden depth -
such place so inconvenient even to mention,
and such action
despite her effect and marvel orgasmic
might be very destructive
to self-respect and common sense, authority and decent social behavior
and for the vital impression
to the going out and coming soon generations.

Sometimes I just want eat up you at all
Do you afraid me?
You tell me not and I go on
Even your skeleton not make me run away,
if it able move and hunt me,
you absolutely perfect creature for me,
even you corpse when you will lie
six foot underground and starting decomposed
not will make me retreat and kill my love.

As I said, dear,
I want to die and bury with you,
Excuse me for some horrible impression
but I hope that you have got it at all
how I love you
from such cannibalistic poetry and love.
