The Man in the Overcoat and the Rain. Part 3

The  Man in the Оvercoat and the Rain. Part 3. The  Rain's secret.

Перевод "Человек в Пальто и Дождь".Часть 3.Секрет Дождя. Автор: Леля Эн.
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“I always come back to you,”-The Rain said to the Man in the overcoat.
“I remember you just a little child,”- he added.
“So do I. As far back as I can remember…I’ve remembered you as long as I’ve remembered myself. I love you and I’ve always loved you,”- the Man in the overcoat smiled.
 These two have been friends for so long that can finish each other thoughts. Other people came and went away. But their friendship has been the same.
“Why haven’t you ever asked me the way I usually go?”- the Rain wondered.
“I think it’s  necessary for you to go, otherwise you wouldn’t leave me. It must have been very important for you to go, no doubt, otherwise you wouldn’t have gone away.. I’m sure. Because..You are my real friend, aren’t you?”- the Man in the overcoat answered.
“Actually, if you don’t tell me anything about it, that means, you do have reasons for not telling me. And if I do respect you, I should respect your reasons as well. Don’t I?”- he added.
“It has never occurred to think it over, you know,”- the Rain whispered back.
“Besides, if you even come back sulky, you always leave me with a light heart and easy mind.. Always so joyful,” the Man in the overcoat said.
Then the Rain took his turn :
“And now I’d like to know..Where do you usually go round? But first, I’ll tell you about me.”
The Rain was silent for a moment, then  he went on:
“I wash up the World. This very World. Gathering all its dark thoughts into the dark streams and flows, I carry them away , far away. And then the Earth purifies these  flows of dark energies, splitting them up and working them over.
“Is the Earth alive? Is it a living being? Like you and me?”-the Man in the overcoat wondered.
“Of course, she is! Not exactly, you know..We are not exactly the same..Actually, she is alive in another meaning. She’s different,”-the Rain told him.
“So, you mean..You have such a job, don’t you? It’s a hard job, isn’t it? Too complicated, I think.”
The Man in the overcoat turned his face to the sky. And the Rain carefully and tenderly was touching his face with toying raindrops. The Rain knew his Man in the overcoat to be fond of this process.
“Well, I don’t think this job to be hard! I think it’s so exciting! The thing I’m too interested in. Speaking the  language of human beings, I chose the occupation I am keen on, I enjoy dealing with. And in these terms it’s not my duty, my job, so to speak. I haven’t worked a day, actually,”-the Rain beamed happily.
“Did you have a choice?”- the Man in the overcoat asked.
“There’s always a choice, isn’t there?- the Rain answered.
”As the old saying goes: “Even if you have been already eaten up, all the same, you still have a choice. At least two ways out.
They both burst into laughter.
“And what do you like most of all?”-the Man in the overcoat was looking kindly at the Rain.
“Besides, I love you.”
The Man in the overcoat was silent. He was also smiling.  It went without saying that the Rain was also so much loved.
“Will you tell me more in a little while?”- the Man in the overcoat wondered.
“Sure,”- the Rain squirted some cold raindrops in his face.”It’s time for us to start communicating.”
“It’s high time we were communicating,”-echoed the Man in the overcoat.

