Word and business

I’m a man,I was born
Warrior, father
And no need to discuss
That grace is comin

Every talk about peace
That makes comfort our lives
Instill weakness for respect
To think tolerant

Men — thread rottens
Another branch triumphs
Where is skillfull hunters?
Where the men behind the words?

Mining now — the money sign
Not meat,not bundles of wood
Not a bunch of words and kidness of the basics
Not valuable experience of ancestors

Around females beginning
And mens is diminished
Like peacock blossom
Feathers tissue of scraps

Youngsters pump up
To show that they are thugs
And lets swing their rights
To butt heads and mumble like bulls

Where is the act?
Where is the answer?
Where the men behind the words?
But if yes you said be ready
That you will be asked

To keep the answer
You need spirit for beginning
And it is not good at all
Like a top — spinning

Stop moms
Babysit their sons
Sew them to the skirt
Stitch perfectly straight

The men has no price
When he confident
Solves his own problems
And help others
Translate by Nikiforov K.U.
