From history of jewellery

The history of jewellery so long,
Forget about very very wrong!
From Africa came first of signs to us.
And what you think it's all was made from glass?

Not, have been found beads from sea snail,
And quality of beads is pretty well!
In Kenya beads from shell of ostrich egg,
It's true, you can this find and read, and check

In special book and articles, in speech
Of clever scientist, standing whose is rich!
In Russia to a kindred age from stone
A lot of people decorated bone.

In Europe more later humans had
Crude necklaces and bracelets of, I sad,
Of bone and teeth, and berries, even stone!
In different made color and the tone.

I see is boring little tale for you,
But history is magic, say us true!
Continue this light speech another day,
I'll leading you by new delightful way!
