
A man's reach should exceed his grasp ? I and Eve did it and we are regretting it ever since ... "

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this ?

a man's reach should exceed his grasp in Culture Expand

a man's reach should exceed his grasp definition

Words from a poem by Robert Browning, suggesting that, to achieve anything worthwhile, a person should attempt even those things that may turn out to be impossible.

The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition
Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

beyond one's grasp

 as in uncomprehensible




 verb: grasp; 3rd person present: grasps; past tense: grasped; past participle: grasped; gerund or present participle: grasping

 1. seize and hold firmly.
 "she grasped the bottle"

 synonyms: grip, clutch, clasp, hold, clench; More
 catch, seize, grab, snatch, latch on to

 "she grasped his hands"

 antonyms: release

 try to seize hold of.
 "they grasped at each other with numbed fingers"

 get mental hold of; comprehend fully.
 "the way in which children could grasp complex ideas"

 synonyms: understand, comprehend, follow, take in, perceive, see, apprehend, assimilate, absorb; More
 informal get, catch on to, figure out, get one's head around, take on board

 "everybody grasped the important points"

 act decisively to the advantage of (something).
 "we must grasp the opportunities offered"

 synonyms: take advantage of, act on; More
 seize, leap at, snatch, jump at, pounce on

 "he grasped the opportunity"

 antonyms: miss, overlook


 noun: grasp

 1. a firm hold or grip.
 "the child slipped from her grasp"

 synonyms: grip, hold; clutch, clasp, clench
 "his grasp on her hand"

 control, power, clutches, command, domination, rule, tyranny
 "his domineering mother's grasp"
