All means are good...

All means are good in fight for power.
I lied to you the other day
and brought a replica of flower.
Your eyes were happy like in May.

Then I have opened wine. A bottle
was cheap enough for you to drink.
We went to nearest brothel hotel.
You gave to me that sweetest stink.

I whispered words of love to ear.
That kind of means had never failed.
The feelings were to love as near,
as Christ was far to not been nailed.

And afterwords my senses told me -
“The time has come to fly away...”
My means for power I was folding
in my old wings. I could not stay...

Английский я подзабыл учил его больше 4 десятилетий назад.
Могу ответить на башкирском -"Зур рахмат-Бик якши!-Матур!

Игорь Степанов-Зорин 3   27.11.2017 18:11     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за сочувствие!
Я английский вообще никогда не учил.
С поклоном,

Андрей Чекмарев   27.11.2017 18:12   Заявить о нарушении