I don t care...

I don't  care, if my mirror in crumbs,
Life is treasure, we live it ones,
Let black cat run across the street,
Not his fault, that your luck is weak ,
And thirteen can be lucky number,
You will win and the earth will rumble...
Getting stronger in thoughts and deals,
Nothing breaks you, it never will!

Yes, I know that you can live
All according to your believes
And you always can claim succsess
Even if you are in a real mess
So don't t be afraid of a black cat
You will win and for sure you bet.

Борис Вайнштейн   27.07.2016 08:18     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за экспромт

Полинка Волк   27.07.2016 05:16   Заявить о нарушении

Борис Вайнштейн   27.07.2016 05:39   Заявить о нарушении
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