About beauty

What do you know about beauty?
How many words you can to say?
And how fast this distributed
Around world from June to May?

Characteristic of idea
Of object, animal or place...
How quick you find your best ideal,
Your light, your bright, your perfect grace?

A lot of people beauty studied
As part of culture, many ways...
In mirror look on own body
And doing something with her face...

Take few of colors, brush is working,
And under rain it start to run,
And some of them with this is broken -
They laugh, they smile and always fun!

This entity, which all admired,
Perfection wait amazing world!
And in one moment will be tired
And start to search delicious word -

In balance, harmony with nature,
Which may you lead to feelings called
Attractive, linking with the rapture,
And never crush, your soul involved!

Tomorrow I continue may be
About beauty fairy tale,
And want to listen what you say me,
When finished all this greatest gale!

"Bye, bye", - I say and wish you happy
And full of sun delightfull days,
And grass around home is pappy,
And smooth the road and the rays!

Рина, Вы недавно на сайте? Откуда берете вдохновение? Как связаны с английским? Очень интересно. Мне нравится
с уважением, Стефан

Стефан Хэпвинг   13.09.2016 17:13     Заявить о нарушении
Я не помню как давно на сайте. Может год, а может и три.Пишу на английском в целях повышения уровня владения языком.

Рина Карта   14.09.2016 03:36   Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо за ответ!

Стефан Хэпвинг   15.09.2016 20:21   Заявить о нарушении