
In order to box in your enemies you have to think outside the box ... "
Napoleon Bonaparte

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this ?


box in - definition and synonyms

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phrasal verb [transitive] [often passive]Word Forms
Related words
in box noun
jack-in-the-box noun

1  to surround a person or vehicle, so that they cannot move or leave a place
I was boxed in until the other driver came back.

Synonyms and related words

To drive, or to operate a vehicle:
back up, block in, box in...
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2 to limit someone’s freedom to choose what to do
If they promise big tax cuts, they could be boxing themselves in.

Synonyms and related words

To limit someone's freedom to act: limit, tie down, control...
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think outside the box - definition and synonyms

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to find new ways of doing things, especially of solving problems

Employees are encouraged to think outside the box and develop creative solutions.

Synonyms and related words

To successfully deal with a problem or difficulty:
cope, overcome, carry off...
