Thoughts on Space

 I know that space is dangerous, as a human being I am afraid of the void the space mostly consists of. Space sounds suffocatingly beautiful to me. I mean, you can get sucked into a black hole, but before it you're going to have an adventure of your lifetime. What keeps on crossing my mind from time to time is the hurting loneliness of space as a concept. The stars are so far away from each other, all the planets are far away, and I can't reach for the stars.

 Not such a long time ago I've found out that Pillars of Creation do not exist anymore, and all we can see now is the image provided by light of Pillars. And, no matter how stupid that sounds, I feel sad now because of this fact. Those were just distant stars, a nebula far away from me, but I loved it. So, taking the example from light that still gives us the ability to see the Pillars of Creation, I'd like to be slower and say:"I love Pillars". And another idea I have about Pillars' light is that we should learn from it. While nebula is already gone, we still admire the Pillars, still are amazed by their beauty. Isn't that a lesson for us? A lesson which says: live such a life that, when you'll be gone, your deeds will remain in people's lifes, and keep their hearts warm and bring joy to them.

 Space is a dangerous, lonely and absolutely fascinating place, and we are a part of it. That's why we all feel lonely sometimes and that's why we're still beautiful, even when we don't feel nothing but void inside.
