IL Mostro

someone can call me the heartless
someone will call only bastard
some’ll say that i am heartless
and others that i bring disasters
you can believe it or you can reject
i simply don’t care, i know what’s my wreck

I am the monster and i feel no pain
i truly feel nothing about all of what stains
you can ignore me, can call as you want
i’ll give no damn about all of your words
i pay no attention about outer world
my universe’s inside.. and brings too much hurt

even if i really wanted to feel
i’d fail cause my soul’s made of sin
i do pay no attention to the ones that suffer
it’s their choice, their way, so they’re nothing
if they want to be noticed their pain by grey masses
So this is the start of the age of the senseless 

This is my thought and maybe it’s evil
but I gained what i aimed so i am the Devil
Yes, it is vicious, it is wasted and cursed
But i am who i am, leading to one more overdose
i don’t see the beauty, just can’t watch the angel
I’ve sold my soul and there’s no salvation
