a great distance

There is a great distance between us,
but the distance is warming us up.
and as the birds are getting a signal -
the same way to each other we fly.

and sometimes we like birds - will encounter,
it will be conversation In private.
I will say that I reached for the sun, and
you will answer: the sun burns one out.

That's how  birds fly in wedge to the sun,
and by people below they are envied.
you'll say: the sun - the image of man,
I will answer, the moon is the feminine.

But the moon - is the Mussulman's calendar,
lunisolar - the Jewish, eternal.
Solar - our Christian calendar.
And in heart these three lines are converging.

They flow into small vertebral column,
happy energy there to absorb,
all that answered to God - there is always,
and has turned to a channel that flows

If there are no bars to His will.
All that I say - you know everything.
but you ask verse on purpose from me,
and the very same verses you breathe.
