About Mehmed, son of Suleiman! О, Мехмеде, сыне Су

About Mehmed,son of Suleiman!
"Dedicated, this
beautiful, sensual, touching, sad and
sad at the same time, the eastern
"Ode-gazelle", Mehmet (Mehmed), son
Sultan Suleiman and Hurrem Haseki Sultan. "

Oh, Mehmet! ... How bitter fate for you! ...
And your life started so sweet, perfect!
You Padishah's son, from his eternal love, the Great
Sultana, was called that Hurrem, and in the past
You fruit, big and pure love! ..
You like waiting ... and now, is a miracle! .. This day
come! .. This long-awaited day has come! ..
Birth of his blessed you all! ..
With your birth, and the mother was exalted!
With your birth, the father swore always love
your mother! ... All my life, belong only to her
one! ..
You made it clear to his older brother that he did not
One will go to the throne! ..
Mehmed, you minion of fortune! .. You all loved! ..
Admiration for you, there was no limit! ..
You learned a lot, read a lot and knew! ..
In military training, you almost surpassed his father! ..
Your strength and courage, anyone could wish for! ..
Wise and cunning, not by years, because you're so
I was young then! ...
Masculinity knew no bounds! ..
With envy on courage, your watched all! ...
Oh, it was a young and handsome! ..
Handsome, handsome young man who had never seen such light! ..
Everything was in front of you, and it was yours! ..
All lay at your feet, the whole world! ..
I had you two parents all about what dream! ..
Harem at you went crazy, I did not sleep at night and eye
not closed, that suddenly you pass fleetingly
you will look at them! ..
Temperament is hot and explosive! ..
Your character had a lot of people, but his conscience prevented ...
He was kind and generous, or who do not refused! ..
You are always a lot of thought and all worried, so
a heart with the soul, were clean and white with you! ...
The good deeds, tirelessly worked for you! ..
You are not averse and normal, human work, not
Despite the fact that you're king's son! ..
You are in care or who do not refused! ..
And more than once, you defended many! ..
He was often trusting to all, but in vain, good people
there is among you! ..
He was often naive, well, like a child, but in vain, at the expense of
you have many plans for black fly in your head
Behind your, to do dirty and disgusting
business! ..
The pleasures of love, you do not have rivals! ..
But one day, the guy fell in love, as once it
It's time, was sent to Sandzak! ..
He went with his beloved, because you do not live without it
could! ..
You're right there, like a real Padishah! ..
His father was proud of you, and his mother praise
scam, because from birth cherished you! ..
They thanked God for his son! ..
The parents of yours, had many children, but you
loved more, you set an example for all, they are the soul
in you inadvertently! ..
Sultan said all right, that you saw in a dream on the throne, when you were still in the womb of the mother lying! ..
He knew he wanted and desired, he longed for what son
once take his place! ..
The king announced to all that his favorite Mehmed -
main heir to the Ottomans! ...
Now 5 months have passed and your concubine waiting
child from you! ...
Mehmed, you are so waiting for my daughter or son, but not
their fate is now seen! ...
On the hunt you are injured or you're just so
I decided that "accidentally" hurt you?! ..
Oh, Mehmet! .. And by you not a flock of sheep and wolves
one! ..
Why is not attentive to the servants, have you been!?! ...
Instead of drugs, poison treated you! ..
Oh, Mehmet! .. Instead of drugs, poison wound smeared
If you say "coincidence"!?! ...
Ahn, no ... it's an order, the order to black! ...
Someone decided to remove from the road or revenge on you
nursed! ...
There were many, Mehmet! .. After all envy
you all shut the eyes and blanketed, white
shroud! ...
The elder brother and the senior heir, used to love
you, but quickly became embittered, envy and resentment harbored
on you! .. Not so casual he began, his mother
too, played a special role here, their personal plans
this effect was! ..
Oh, poor, miserable Mehmet! .. How bitter and
sad fate for you! ...
Such hope you handed! .. What you praise
was getting!...
Sun Osmanov gone! .. Black clouds enveloped
Gushing rain, is the heavens wept for you! ..
I went to hail, to viciously beat all around, from
injustice to you! ...
Rain, thunder and lightning, nature like crazy! ...
Oh, Mehmet! .. A few days later, the parents received
black envelope from Manisa! ..
The answer was, -Diseases struck Prince! ...
Oh, alas, not a disease, and dirty intrigues
enemies to destroy you! ..
Trample your bright face and closed forever
clear up your eyes! ..
Not afraid, insidious! .. God! His anger, for such
Sinister gave you into the arms of darkness, and in fact in
childhood, you're afraid of the dark! ...
Their grief, despair, sorrow and grief, as well as
bitter tears and bitter cry, there is no limit! ..
Oh, Mehmet! ... Everything collapsed! ... They lost home
hope and favorite son! ..
Sister and brother, lost own blood! ..
As the winter! .. Eternal winter! .. In the hearts and
souls, and now the snow and ice! ..
Oh, Mehmet! ... Do not be like all
always! .. well not have to wait! .. There was
permafrost and eternal winter! ...
Oh, Mehmet! ... Everything is destroyed! ... Some vultures
flying above the roof of the palace! ... Some wolves are expected in
the main gate! ... Some rats running around in
Palace! .. Some snakes, crawling on peace! ...
Oh, Mehmet! ... We stand on the ruins of a happy
the future! ...
What a pity that one and now the favorite child
his, you will not see ever! ..
Ah, Mehmed, son of Suleiman and Hjurrem as all
fabulous was the birth of your beautiful! ..
Mehmed, everything went perfectly! .. You were perfect in all
and honestly I deserved throne! .. For what? Say, for that
with you so?! ..
This authority, Mehmet! .. The brutal struggle for the throne and
Who does not forget about it! .. Who does not forget
Soon, the mother will avenge you! .. It's just
so, do not leave! ...
The father! .. And he will punish the guilty! ..
Oh, Mehmet! ... Sleep tight, do not worry, sleep sweet
sleep! ... Let them now, around you will only
good angels, and he will be under the protection of
God! ..

20 May 2014.
