
How come that now it's what I am
How can I not be afraid of a future I might end up in
When all I have is a spark and a one-out-of-a-million chances
A star floating astray from the rest
I am no exception but I feel like one
Like we all are
How can I not be afraid of the world surrounding me
When I see it shattering before my eyes
And at night, behind my eyelids
I see the same
A world full of suffering exсeptions
And as I wake up and tears fill my eyes
World shatters once more
And then when I get up, it shatters again and again

That's all because we can't figure out the reason of our pain
And the answer is simple
We're all just exeptions
And everytime I start writing about myself I end up writing us all
Day by day I is replaced by We
As my mom keeps calling me an egoist drowning in her pride
I keep replacing Me with We
