Role of Destiny

"I'm mortal" – I have promised to myself
I'll die one day, inevitably, swiftly.
My life won't mean a dime to any man
And others will just bury me discreetly.

 I'm vulnerable only to your words
And some have even managed to persuade me.
I left their world and did the things I would
In other worlds, in other ways completely.

 I'm lost and will not ever be in place,
Too alien for others to accept me.
I'm ruler who had done all that he wants
Yet never felt fulfillment in completion.

Although there is one who can understand.
She's from the world that's wrongfully forgotten
By me and all the rest who live and stand
Until the day their body lays in coffin.

She laughs at danger, powerful as god
And she's the goddess of the great misfortune.
What she can do - beyond what I can draw,
Imaginative, raw, and through exhaustion.

She understands, as I do, many things,
Remembers world where we got our powers,
And loves me, for the reason I don't get
And finally, does know, how many hours

I've spent to be as perfect as I can
Through pain, through boredom and though seeing stuff
Beyond what I could cope with while I stand
Before the very bullet that destroy me.

She knows I'll have the courage till the end
And even now I'm ready for salvation,
But her appearance in my life for now
Inevitably gives me activation.
