demon. на английском

an outcast. a freak. a demon
flying among the heavy clouds.
his soul filled with the greatest evil,
eyes with a red and deadly glow.

he was indifferent to murder,
and blood,  and violence,  and death.
he hid his feelings and emotions,
and only ever showed his strength.
he loved the sound of blazing lightning,
enjoyed the withering of trees
and flowers. nothing made him frightened,
except for one predestined thing.

all creatures feared his force and power.
he kept the world under his sway.
he killed, he slaughtered every hour,
yet evil carried him away
to worlds of apathy and boredom,
no single thing could fill the void
inside. he’s lonely and crestfallen,
with no desire to destroy.

and one by one the years were passing,
each one monotonously blunt.
he knew life wasn’t everlasting,
he was aware he’s running out
of time. destruction, death and torture
brought no delight. he didn’t want
to think about his departure,
but couldn’t block those painful thoughts.

and moment followed after moment,
his boredom was replaced with fear
of death that couldn’t be avoided.
one thing that he could not defeat.

as he got weaker and more fragile,
he would reflect upon his life.
he never loved, but he imagined
what his existence would be like
if he was not so cruel and heartless,
if he found someone to hold tight.
somebody who would shed some brightness
upon his dying heart and mind.

and if love entered his existence
his soul would open to the good,
he’d change his bearing in an instant,
but there was nothing he could do
to stop the time, alter the future.
he was determined soon to pass
in solitude. an ugly creature
that would be shortly gone at last.

an outcast. a freak. a demon
flying among the heavy clouds
his life was wasted doing evil.
he died, rejected and alone.
