please, stop the planet. a slam poem

When you see a family on a street, having the happy time on a walk;
When they're just in the park, sitting just in the shade of trees,
When it's really just sunny and you see no clouds -
Please, stop the planet.
Because that family's not looking strange, and in fact, all the world's just the same,
Doesn't mean they're alright.
Because if you just have a closer look,
If you open your eyes, if you just try to see...
They're under a tree,
sitting under a tree,
Happy family just sitting under a tree.
And their heads, and their hands, and their bodies are bent and crooked;
Their children aren't playing with others,
They're playing a game,
They are having the time,
Happy family under that tree
Sitting under a sign,
Sign that says that they have free wifi
In the park.
In. The. Park.
Where the trees are so old that they make up a roof
Out of branches and leaves;
And just simply look up
And you'll see all the beauty
Of life.
Well, unless,
You're too busy to look
Cause you stare at your screen.
So for the sake of God
And the trees,
And the seas,
And the sun, and the sky,
And for us
Stop the planet.

When you see on a street
People ask to donate
For the African kids
Or for the refugees,
And a man walking by
in a suit
With his shoes and his tie
Throws a penny or five if he's kind;
And with pride he, at home,
Talks to wife or his mother who's cooking that duck
Stuffed with oranges, cranberries, apples or something else,
And he's being so happy
He thinks that he saved their lives.

That's the fashion today and you need to
Well, kind of keep up,
And you need to donate,
And then call all your friends
So they know how amazing you are.

Further more then, you must like that page
That your wife has been gabbling about..
Page where kid almost died cause his family thought he's a witch,
But the kind faithful lady
Appeared to find little kid.
And she took him away, so he wouldn't just die
On the streets or the forest, or desert,
You think, well, wherever they live.
In that country, whatever's the name..
You just must share the link
So your friends see your feelings
And kindness, and sympathy,
And all of that;
So you're happy you have all you've got,
And a roof, and a home, and a dog, and a cat, and a job, and a family, phone, kids and money, and life.......
Stop the planet.

When a boy lives in city,
He's lived there for ages, In fact,
He was born
In the same boring city.
He goes there to school,
He's got friends
And two brothers,
Both older.
They always get jealous of him,
Cause he gets all the sweets and the toys,
And they're going to Disneyland
Just because he's turning ten.
And they're seeing LA
And the lights, and the stars, and the world,
But they don't even know
That kid's searching for stars
Which don't shine and don't glow
(Well, except for their teeth).
And the same boring city,
Or well, even LA, or Par;s,
Or New York, Amsterdam..
None of them have the stars
That the kid's looking for.
He will see all the lights and at night
He will see even more,
But no stars,
Real stars.
Those, which kid doesn't know
Do exist, cause he lives in a city,
And all of the magic above
Disappears in the lights of the city.
The city of lights.
And don't ask me why kids
Stopped believing in Santa, or witches, or ghosts.
Stop the planet.

When a poor little girl,
Poor inside,
Sad inside and naive;
When a poor little girl lost in life all alone in this world,
When she sees all the fights,
All the crimes,
All the wars,
That she won't understand,
That her poor little heart,
Heart that,
skipping a beat,
still is trying to laugh,
Not to lose strength and faith,
To love,
Never will understand;
When she sees, how she says,
All the bad things that happen around...

She just opens her eyes,
Big and kind round eyes,
Really big for her body,
Too small for her soul
Eyes that make you believe,
Understand, make you trust, make you love,
Make you live..
When she looks into yours:
Eyes that aren't that deep,
That can't hold all the oceans inside,
That can't cope with the pain.
With the pressure;
When she looks and then asks
Just one question,
One question,
She says just one word,
But that word
Breaks the walls,
Breaks the doors,
And the Windows,
Word that brings you disasters
And storms,
That destroys
All your faith,
All your hope,
All your....
Stop the planet.
When people kill, people drown, people die

People don't want to live,
People don't want to laugh,
People don't want to love,
People kill. For somebody's sake.
They were told. They believe. They're ignored. They are...
I don't know....

Please, please, please..
Stop the planet...
I just wanna go...
