Transvaal, Transvaal...

This song was written in 1899, at the very beginning of the Second Boer War (1899-1902) by Galina Rinks and was quite popular in Russia until 1917.
So, here it is in English for you, and the link below will allow you to listen to the original song in Russian.

Disclaimer: This song may contain elements that are considered "politically incorrect" by today's standards. However, it is a part of history, and the creators of the song were unaware of the concept of "political correctness" during their time. It is presented here with historical context and not to promote any offensive ideas or beliefs.

Всегда хотел перевести на английский язык эту красивую песню, которую очень  часто пел мой дед. Песня была записана в 1899 в самом начале Второй Англо-бурской войны (1899-1902) Галиной Ринкс и была популярна в России до 1917 года. Кто забыл, что такое англо-бурские войны - тем Гугль в помошь.
Английский язык мне, конечно, не родной, хотя и говорю на нем почти так же, как и по-русски, но... наглости сделать такой перевод хватило.

Мой  перевод посвящен всем, кто боролся за свободу и достоинство даже без шанса на победу. Сим предлагаю его к прочтению. А если пройдете по линку, то сможете прослушать оригинальную песню на русском языке и посмотреть фотографии той войны.

Transvaal, Transvaal, my dear land!
Today you are in flame!
A Boer is sitting on the strand
He's sad, he's old and lame.

What's wrong with you, my good old man?
And why are you so sad?
I'm sorry for my people slain
And for my fathers' land.

I had nine sons before this strife
And two of them have died,
But seven others still alive
Continue bitter fight.

My oldest son - his head was gray
In action was he killed,
With no cross and no pray
They buried him in the field.

My youngest boy - thirteen years old
He said: “I’ll join you! Please!”
But I was firm: “I know you’re bold
But war is not for kids!”

He frowned and said:”I’ll go with you
Or else I’ll go alone!
I’m young and small, and that is true
But still my hand is strong!

Please, dad! You’ll never be ashamed
Of me – your “little boy”!
For our freedom and our land
I’ll fight and die with joy!”

I heard his word, I kissed his head
And took my boy with me,
And for the battlefield we left
For our right to be.

Through powder smoke he went ahead
He bravely fought and died
Black traitor shot him in the head
Like coward from behind.

Transvaal, Transvaal, my dear land!
Old Boer said once again
May us protect our God’s strong hand,
And other honest men.

Victoria, March 10/2016

And here is the original song with historical slide show:

I always fantasized what if Rudyard Kipling could write a ballad or two about this war from the other side prospective. After all he pulled such a trick from beyond the grave once when he dictated "The Queen of the Mainland" to Alexander Galich who was consumed by fever at the time.

Well it may be the case again. Not only the English language and the style are superb, but the Russian lyrics are carried through as precisely as it can rarely be done in translating poetry. Great job!

Мне всегда хотелось представить как выглядели бы баллады Киплинга о той войне, если бы он был на стороне буров. Почему бы и нет? Ведь надиктовал же он "Королеву материка" с того света Галичу, валявшемуся в бреду.

Похоже тот самый случай. Прекрасный английский язык, современный эпохе и соотвествующий жанру. При этом содержание передано очень близко в тексту, что вообще редко возможно в стихотворных переводах. Высший балл!

Юрий Перель   12.03.2016 03:02     Заявить о нарушении
Thanks a lot Yury! I am very happy to read that.
Большое спасибо за добрые слова и интересную рецензию.

Андреас Андерсен   12.03.2016 05:00   Заявить о нарушении