My small machine

Today I talk about friend -
She help me to create the shorts
Without hundred, pretty bend.
Will never need in such escorts.

My small machine, her work is great,
Can huge amount task to do.
Sometimes of course will help me blade.
What color here? May be blue?

Again I made fantastic shorts.
Can ever see so perfect thing?
On stage, on street, on any courts.
I happy, that may so to bring.

"Where buy nice fabric?", -  you to ask.
I answer: "Moscow's beauty shop".
On sun in summer will I bask,
Can even dance for you hip hop,

But prefer ballet, grace I love,
Delicious movement can I make,
Lift up my hand and legs above.
I real dancer, not the fake!

We read here about a great outfit
No secret in the simple stitch wrong side.
Than we worked, creating garlands,
Decorating the base without Ironing.

Step by step, through the shorts in the basis
Blue, slit, wide step.
What was given to much HP
Not submissive, tied with a strap.

For the love of turning everything around trembles,
In samizdat, samotraki, symposiu labor.
If you do, the people of crumpley,
If you don't susam, each always with his head.

Наталья Олейник 5   14.02.2016 06:17     Заявить о нарушении