Carolina Kostner

February 8th – Carolina Kostner’s birthday.

Carolina Kostner – a gifted figure skater of an Italian descent.
To have succeeded, much effort she invested and years spent.
She manifests commitment, good work ethics, courage & will.
Nothing can stop her from pursuing dream she’s sure to fulfill

A lovely and sincere lady exuding beauty, charm and passion,
She’s never short of discipline, responsibility & determination.
Kostner incorporates each talent, skill, experience and ability,
Sharing with fans and colleagues a vast reservoir of versatility.

She’s multilingual, speaks French, German, Italian and English.
It seems as sky’s a limit, as Carolina’s learning hasn’t finished.
Kostner is always meeting challenges, while never giving up.
For own self, favorite sport she’s able to advocate, stand up.

On February 8th Carolina celebrates birthday, congratulations!
May you fulfill a figure skating dream with drive & inspiration.
We’re confident you utilize each given opportunity & chance.
Today we wish you happiness, health, vigor, peace & strength!

Copyright©2016 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
