How dare you tell me I am blind?

Стихотворение-ответ к Дональду Ресслеру от лица Элизабет Кин ("Чёрный список").
Парное стихотворение к этому -
Keen to Ressler 3x9, 3x10 |"The Blacklist"|

How dare you tell me I am blind,
Yet knowing reason of my find?
I won’t deny the only truth  –
My search a hell and high of price,
Cost lots of men their precious lives.

What you expect for me to say?
Accept the blame? Give up my chase?
And what about my payback?
You know me, Ressler  –  I won’t rest
Till truth I beat from foe’s chest.

Why keep the mystery? Why lie?
I wasn’t sure it’s your fight,
Or someone's worth of sharing trust.
And, well…I simply fail to withstand
My hunt to bring you bitter end.

Now I’m so glad to have a friend
As things get tangled up again.
He feared not put off his doubts,
And vouched seek my freedom grounds.
He’s put much faith in us, in me  –
And by my side I want him be.

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