Smoking Man

Hey, the Smoking Man
In the window!
Is this his exam,
This dancing jingle?

Does he want to go faster
And to know everything?
Or life is a blockbaster?
So many thoughts and strange things.

What is his story?
What is his message?
Does anyone know this apriory?
Someone only guesses.

Is this smoking a meditation?
Can such a meditation be named "good"?
He is in frustration.
If he could. If he only could.

He sings his song,
But the words are mixed.
He escapes from everything wrong
And wants everything fixed.

And now, what is now?
What is he thinking about?
What to do? What to smoke? How to live, how?
Or maybe the tram shaking his house?

He wants something but what?
He is clever, he is young,
He is already hurt.
He begins to swung.

Does he like the old city around?
What is the colour of his mood?
Does smoke has his sound?
It's like a song "You know that I'm no good".

And day and night...
The Sun and the Moon...
This cigarette little light
Is like a boon.

Who is this man?
Why is he standing in the window?
This is my neighbour. Is he San?
Sorry, bye, this is closed info.

Павел Войтович, 20.12.2015
