Liliputins -322

There was nothing more rough in Germany in the 70 -ties than RAF ... "
Angela Merkel

Liliputins. What, the heck, is this ?





adjective: rough; comparative adjective: rougher; superlative adjective: roughest


having an uneven or irregular surface; not smooth or level.
"take a square of sandpaper, rough side out"

synonyms: uneven, irregular, bumpy, lumpy, knobbly, stony, rocky, rugged, rutted, pitted, rutty More

"rough ground"

•coarse, bristly, scratchy, prickly;
shaggy, hairy, bushy

"the terrier's rough coat"

•dry, leathery, weather-beaten;
chapped, calloused, scaly, scabrous

"rough skin"

antonyms: smooth, flat, sleek

•(of ground or terrain) having many bumps or other obstacles; difficult to cross.
"they had to carry the victim across the rough, stony ground"

•not soft to the touch.
"her skin felt dry and rough"

•(of a voice) coming out with difficulty so as to sound harsh and rasping.
"his voice was rough with barely suppressed fury"

synonyms: gruff, hoarse, harsh, rasping, raspy, croaking, croaky, husky, throaty, gravelly, guttural
"his voice was rough"

antonyms: soft

•(of wine or another alcoholic drink) sharp or harsh in taste.

synonyms: sharp, sharp-tasting, sour, acidic, acid, vinegary, acidulous
"rough red wine"

antonyms: sweet, mellow

•denoting the face of a tennis or squash racket from which the loops formed in the stringing process project (used as a call when the racket is spun to decide the right to serve first or to choose ends).


(of a person or their behavior) not gentle; violent or boisterous.
"strollers should be capable of withstanding rough treatment"

synonyms: violent, brutal, vicious; More
aggressive, belligerent, pugnacious, thuggish;

boisterous, rowdy, disorderly, unruly, riotous

"he gets rough when he's drunk"

•careless, clumsy, inept, unskillful

"a machine that can take rough handling"

•boorish, loutish, oafish, brutish, coarse, crude, uncouth, vulgar, unrefined, unladylike, ungentlemanly, uncultured;
unmannerly, impolite, discourteous, uncivil, ungracious, rude

"rough manners"

antonyms: gentle, passive, careful, cultured, refined, civilized

•(of an area or occasion) characterized by or notorious for the occurrence of violent behavior.
"the workmen hate going to the rough areas of town"

•(of the sea) having large and dangerous waves.
"the lifeboat crew braved rough seas to rescue a couple"

synonyms: turbulent, stormy, tempestuous, violent, heavy, heaving, choppy
"rough seas"

antonyms: calm

•(of weather) wild and stormy.

difficult and unpleasant; hard; severe.
"the teachers gave me a rough time because my image didn't fit"

synonyms: difficult, hard, tough, bad, unpleasant; More
demanding, arduous

"I've had a rough time"

antonyms: easy, pleasant

"the altitude had hit her and she was feeling rough"

depressed and anxious.
"when he's feeling rough, he comes and talks things over to calm him down"


not finished tidily or decoratively; plain and basic.
"the customers sat at rough wooden tables"

synonyms: plain, basic, simple, rough and ready, rude, crude, primitive, spartan
"the accommodations are rather rough"

antonyms: luxurious

•put together without the proper materials or skill; makeshift.
"he had one arm in a rough sling"

•(of hair or fur) not smooth; coarse.
"the creature's body was covered with rough hair"

•lacking sophistication or refinement.
"she took care of him in her rough, kindly way"

•not worked out or correct in every detail.
"he had a rough draft of his new novel"

synonyms: preliminary, hasty, quick, sketchy, cursory, basic, crude, rudimentary, raw, unpolished; More
incomplete, unfinished

"a rough draft"

antonyms: finished, perfected


adverb: rough


in a manner that lacks gentleness; harshly or violently.
"treat ’em rough but treat ’em fair"


noun: rough; plural noun: roughs


a disreputable and violent person.


(on a golf course) longer grass around the fairway and the green.
"his second shot was in the rough on the left"


a preliminary sketch for a design.
"I did a rough to work out the scale of the lettering"

synonyms: sketch, draft, outline, mock-up
"the artist's initial roughs"


an uncut precious stone.


verb: rough; 3rd person present: roughs; past tense: roughed; past participle: roughed; gerund or present participle: roughing


work or shape (something) in a rough, preliminary fashion.
"flat surfaces of wood are roughed down"

•produce a preliminary and unfinished sketch or version of something.
"the engineer roughed out a diagram on his notepad"

synonyms: draft, sketch out, outline, block out, mock up
"we roughed out a few drawings of the monument"

•make uneven or ruffled.
"rough up the icing with a palette knife"

synonyms: roughen, make rough
"rough the surface with sandpaper"


live in discomfort with only basic necessities.
"she had had to rough it alone in a dive"


The Red Army Faction (RAF; German: Rote Armee Fraktion), in its early stages commonly known as the Baader-Meinhof Group (or Baader-Meinhof Gang; German: Baader-Meinhof-Bande, Baader-Meinhof-Gruppe), was a West German far-left militant group. The RAF was founded in 1970 by Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin, Horst Mahler, and Ulrike Meinhof.[a] The West German government considered the Red Army Faction to be a terrorist organization.[b]

The Red Army Faction engaged in a series of bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, bank robberies, and shoot-outs with police over the course of three decades. Their activity peaked in late 1977, which led to a national crisis that became known as the "German Autumn." It was held responsible for thirty-four deaths, including many secondary targets, such as chauffeurs and bodyguards, and many injuries in its almost thirty years of activity. Although better-known, the RAF conducted fewer attacks than the Revolutionary Cells (German: Revolutionдre Zellen, RZ), which is held responsible for 296 bomb attacks, arson and other attacks between 1973 and 1995.[2]

Although Meinhof was not considered to be a leader of the RAF at any time, her involvement in Baader's escape from jail in 1970 and her well-known status as a German journalist led to her name becoming attached to it.[3]
 There were three successive incarnations of the organization:
the "first generation" which consisted of Baader and his associates,
the "second generation" RAF, which operated in the mid- to late 1970s after several former members of the Socialist Patients' Collective joined, and
the "third generation" RAF, which existed in the 1980s and 1990s.

On 20 April 1998, an eight-page typewritten letter in German was faxed to the Reuters news agency, signed "RAF" with the submachine-gun red star, declaring that the group had dissolved.[

