капля крови

…the pen may dip
In ink well and, emerging,
Drip with blood.

wole soyinka
from the poem “pens for hire” (via cordx)

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Soyinka #8

1. Philip Levin

factory smoke-
after autumn rain
you may see mountains

2. Seamus Heaney


3. Maestro Levin

November moon-
I feel myself as a kid
in a china shop

4. Billy Collins

write about a house pet
and it gets quickly moist

5. Derek Wolcott

I miss him a lot
I miss him a lot

6. Franz Wright

those learned to love in childhood…
the madness of his loneliness blessed

7. Robert Bly

this book published
hundreds years ago-
I look for my name
8. Wole Soyinka

incantations…doctors scoff
at the poetry of healing

9. Galway Kinnell

reading under the tree…
a great day of this summer
as summers used to be

10. Morris Errol

I only like abusive questions!
Please be cruel on this hot day

11. Maxine Kumin

you may see:
they are having a talk,
my horses, not sheep

12. Robert Brustein

theater critics know the way
but they cannot drive

13. Michio Kushi

everlasting thoughts
of food and love-
merging dreams
14. Brother Blue

silver-footed queen:
all universe sings its carol

15. Alan Dershowitz

I really like
when snow is falling,
not its piles on the ground
16. Daniel Schorr

what I see over horizon
becomes very, very dim
17. Richard Wilbur

and the rest of this verse
leads to the disappearance
of this “we”

18. Honor Moore

spring, finally spring
with its hot green

19. Keiko Higuchi

petal rain…
unforgivable sins
become just okay

20. Zinovy Vayman

June… Siberian swans
overstay in Japan


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