
Today our garden was covered in flame,
Gran set it on fire, when she heard about the toxic weed.
Then came my sister and she said:"oh, lord, you will be maimed!
If you'll be poisoned, you can have a nightmare,  indeed!"
And I remember when she was in 1st grade,
She dreamed such a horrible dreams which she just couldn't cope.
And when she screamed in horror, when she felt lost and afraid,
I layed down with her and slept, breathing a smell of apple baby soap.

In childhood we used to play a game:
You should repeat the word until it become meaningless.
Whisper, mirror, silence, sugar, kitten, frame..
"She's your sister, sister, sister, sister, sister, sister, your little sis."

The heat has stopped, and we decided to rest,
We had a picnic in the meadow next to pit.
We ate quince jam  and sandwiches, we felt so right and pleased!
A ladybird crawled on her arm, just beside her seat..

In childhood we used to play a game:
You should repeat the word until it become meaningless.
Whisper, mirror, silence, sugar, kitten, frame..
"She's your sister, sister, sister, sister, sister, sister, your little sis,
She's your little sis."

Today our garden was covered in flame,
Gran set it on fire, when she heard about a toxic weed.
