Cosmology, Physics and new theories

18. 08. 2015


This is very irritating. For a very significant period in our life "the scientific community"  was teaching and trying to convince us that Time and Space began with the Big Bang and that before the Big Bang no Time and no Space was existing in our Reality! There was no Time and no Space! An idea supported also by Prof. St. Hawking, but an idea largely diffused by scientific and popular-scientific authors. An idea in itself enough absurd and senseless. But after such idea has been invented, launched and supported by academic scientists, professors, doctors etc., even very great and famous names as Mr. St. Hawking (and may be in these times by the same Prof. Roger Penrose, may be, I am not sure) - how could we say that it is absurd and senseless?! And especially when taking into consideration that such noble academic authorities always do reference to mathematics and to different complicated equations. Everything we the others could say would be qualified as science fiction, literature, amateur`s exercises, literary amateur`s texts etc.
Between 1990 and 2000, apart from the ideas of science fiction authors, academic scientists were already not ashamed to be writing about Multiple Universe, Baby Universes, Parallel Universes, Multiple dimension etc.
But official academic cosmology was teaching us that there was one Big Bang and before this Big Bang no Time and no Space was existing anywhere in Reality! No Universe was existing before. No Reality in no form or contents was existing before.
If someone among us others - not academic professors or doctors - could have or try to express some other ideas, he would be treated non seriously in the field of science, he would receive only such attention as any other author of science fiction.
Now, it was necessary to come Sir Roger Penrose with all his merits, authority, titles etc., to change his mind (or evolve his old ideas, I don't know), to develop some other point of view on the basis of and dressed in some other pieces of physical and mathematical phraseology and again important equations and present it with convincing intonations, speeches and lectures, standing on the stable position of his academic authority. Now already everybody could begin scientifically to think and suppose that there was some Reality before the Big Bang, that before the Big Bang there was Time and Space, that Time and Space was no created for the first time with the Big Bang - in the meaning of absolute creation.
Principally the same is valid for the concepts about the Singularity, for the concepts about the Time. It is necessary that some already-authority, some famous academic professor changes his mind and begins to present and diffuse his opinions in order the society to accept publicly as scientifically reasonable some old ideas which are quite logic and which have been floating in the social-information space in one or an other form, aspect or name for a while in the past.
This "entanglement" of the academic authority with the right to be socially acceptable and accepted as the only possible source of some probable scientific truth is very ... anyway...
It looks like some academic scientists are joking inventing theories. Once Black holes were  absolutely gravitationally closed that nothing even light could surpass and go beyond the Event Horizon. But then it resulted that Black holes are not so strictly gravitationally closed, they will evaporate!
Some day, tomorrow for example, some eminent academic scientist will explain us that the theory of Einstein is wrong because... or that it only describes the results in the functioning of the Universe without explaining the reasons for such results in the basic structure of physical Reality. This scientist will scientifically postulate some ideas which in other mouth would sound ridiculous or maniacal. It seems like some eminent academic scientists think that they have the license and the right to play with our minds.
Once you are recognized academic authority you already could quite seriously talk about many things which could make very ridiculous every one of us others - Time before the Big Bang; Structure of the empty space - with one or an other exotic scientific name; information field or fields in quantum world where our quantum mind receives its enlightenments and vedantic information - source of everything... the Eastern philosophers and many spiritual leaders could be happy - the science is on the way to prove everything they need for the lasting credibility of their traditions... but it is not such a new idea...
I hope only one thing. That academic scientists are sincere in their studies, because they must know that such views are very influential. Not many people are in the state to occupy themselves with problems of Space, Time, Relativity, Mind, Consciousness etc. And every new theory in the sense of and like for example: "Before the Big Bang there was no Time and no Space... Time and Space were created by the Big Bang... In the Black Hole there is Singularity... Before the Big Bang there was Singularity... By (in) Singularity there is no Time (!) and no Space... The matter is infinitely dense... etc." has very heavy impact on the minds of people who really wants to understand and know the truth about Reality and Universe!
Academics have to be prudent and know their great responsibility. Tomorrow some academic will come to us to prove where is situated God! And his authority will be enough for us in order to take seriously his words. Especially if he explains us this in terms of Quantum mechanics.
We see the frustration of theoretical physics and cosmology in exotic theories which could never have definite observational proofs, and that's why which could have different alternatives. Alternatives based on similar logic. Great academics feel probably themselves in debt to prove themselves creating new aspects and possibly general change in theory. Taking into consideration that nobody has idea how to create Unification theory.
And we are expecting to receive by them periodically washing of our minds, again and again, as may be Einstein has washed our minds some decades ago in a specific historical and social period (and as it has been accepted by the entire mankind), explaining that in different  sectors of Space there is different Time because of the different  speed of movement of the material objects. This means - there is no Synchronicity in Universe, no Synchronicity in Reality.
By the way, may be this also has to mean that every object and every its particle in different state and speed of motion must exist in its different proper Time, i.e. - Reality, and what we see and experience, and even our bodies, is a big complicated mix of different Times and respectively different Realities. No matter how big or small is the difference of the speed of motion, having in view that Time could be indiscreet and even very small part of the second could result an enormous period in some other reference. This means that even the period which seem small to us, has its big significance and should have impact, especially it Time is discreet and Universe-Reality results synchronized at the smallest level of the discreet motion-time structure. Nobody knows and could prove if Time is discreet or not discreet and in what profundity the basis of Reality is lying.
If the theory of Einstein is right not only in relation to the effects which have been  foreseen and probably proved, but in relation to the explanation of the basic reasons for such effects /if there are at all such sufficiently satisfying explanations - except the idea of intrinsic entanglement of Time and Space (and by this giving to Time some kind of proper independent physical material existence, an other independent physical dimension, not only a description simply representing the nature of the process and processes /synchronized/ ) and the curvature of Space (and this should mean that empty space where we can not see anything should have proper structure which we are not able to perceive and see), but these explanations are not enough, more are necessary related to the essence of nature of things and processes /,  then probably quite every object (or a vast hierarchy of different groups of objects and particles) exists in the dimension of different Time, our human bodies experience a lot of different Times of its different parts and particles. So our brains and minds. What kind of mixed reality is this?
So, I am expecting the eminent academic who will explain the matter and aspire to wash again our minds with some may be new equations, some combination of old theories, some recombination of pieces of physical, cosmological and mathematical phraseology. Anyway we know that theoretical physics is already on the high level where  things can not be proved with observations. We must be confident of the intuition and rightfulness of the authorities in the academic fields.

18. 08. 2015
