Melanie Griffith

August 9th - Melanie Griffith’s birthday.

Melanie Griffith – a talented actress to mention
With Golden Globe award & Oscar’s nomination.
She’s gradually earned an acclaim & recognition,
Having fulfilled her acting calling and ambition.

Melanie’s characters are known for emotionality,
Distinctive expression, appeal and individuality.
She’s shined in romantic thriller Something Wild,
Continuing to enjoy her acting journey or ride.

Crime thriller, black comedy & romantic drama -
Various genres within Griffith’s acting panorama.
Determined, gifted, beautiful with a sex appeal,
Melanie’s able to captivate, enchant and thrill.

On August 9th is Melanie Griffith’s special day.
May you enjoy it fully and continue to convey
Your talents, skills, abilities, being inspiration
For fans of every ethnic group and generation.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
