Lilac bloom

I stood on the edge
My heart was in pain
I broke my own pledge
My name has a stain
Of innocent blood
Across my whole face
My shoes hit the mud
In hopes to erase
This curse, this affliction
By going insane
A wish, just a fiction
Under the rain.
I stood in the cold
With my pockets devoid
Of all of my gold
That I have destroyed
And now, when I'm poor
And hopelessly wet
My hopeless amour
Is my only regret
And when I wake up
And starve half to death
A wolf and her pup
Will see my last breath
And eat me, a feast
Worthy hardly of praise
The poor dumb beast
By its nature obeys
And spits out my bones
By the lilac bouquet
I hear her moans
And at last I decay.

I read in one breath. Impressed. Сreate another!
With Respect, Miraslav.

Мираслав Север   13.08.2015 15:37     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you very much! I certainly will try.

Триумвират   13.08.2015 18:36   Заявить о нарушении