Not as simple as that

A Kotty-Cat and someone like that
Very cosily slept on the bed
For it had a soft double mat
Good to snack, wash, roll
And anything like that.

The one who looked somewhat like that
Was not at all another cat.
He was not as simple as that
Not to mention good manners, how’s that?

He was a sophisticated gentleman
Who had his believes and followed them,
As gentle and soft as the Catty-Kot,
He never let his claws out, no matter what.

He was also crafty
And liked to purr a song or may be four
While fixing his model aircrafts of war
That were called toys for the little boys
And that his Dad would fly in the years of ply
Over the seas and land.

He plotted some stories to write of his past,
Composed poems of his dreams and lust
For big black cars and limousines
As well as boat and dinghies to swim.

He had an adventurous youth and life
Full of dramatic moments and strive,
And he came to live in a cosy flat
When he felt it was time to do that.

He liked to wander about the places
Of the big vivid city full of pretty faces
Attending alluring events on weekends
And telling stories to students of different lands.

True, he had a desire at times
To go back home to see the mimes
Who made his family, kicking, alive,
And return back home to the quieter life.
Sometimes he was happy and sometimes upset,
It depended mostly on the whole set
Of events developing in front of him,
Evolving and wrapping and sucking in.

But he preferred to be a happy fellow
With none interfering out of the shadow.
He was too special not to cherish
And his bright spirit not to perish.
He was not to be bothered with silly things
And liked cups of tea and milk to drink
Day and night on and off every hour
With a lot of sugar in to devour.
