Three Old Wrecks

Three Old Wrecks set up one day
Not for a chat but watch a play.

One was a Cat, a lazy chap,
Not much interested in the set.
He liked his comfort - good food and bed,
That was his most favourite set.

Another was a lady, not a good cook,
She preferred pictures and a good book.

The third was Professor, a learned Scott,
He liked dancing keily
And what not…

He said it is shaping with the nightfall.
He put on lost glasses
And started a call.

A half crazy lady
At the other end of the net
Was trying on new dresses
While making a fancy bet.

She told that her roller-skating
Was a true attraction and fun
For all those people
Who sat in the park in the sun.

She bowed her good-byes to Professor
Who took a straw hat off his head,
And they parted with serious faces
Looking a little bit sad.
