The war of hate

A river of innocent blood by your feet
So many unfortunate cling to your seat
The sick and the poor, the tired and brave
Will all, once the day comes, get put in their grave
Yet none of them ever will stand by your side
When push comes to shove they all will decide
In favor of nothing to endless delight
In favor of darkness to searing light.
Your infinite jest of eternal reprieve
Is meant to enslave, to corrupt to deceive
The men who are weak and exhausted and wrong
The men and the women who do not belong.
Your terrible tyranny of conviction and hate
The terrible hunger you drive us to sate
Will soon fall apart as it crumbles and dies
The legions of Vengeance will be your demise.
You hide in your palaces, spy from your traps
As we break your servants till one of them snaps
Your entrails will hang from the spear of K'rrad
Your reign will be over, maleficent God.

