Psysuccess 37

And who told you that women are weak creatures?
They lack flair, passion and sports ardor,
Movements are useless, all efforts go to dust,
Able to overtake anyone, only the dust will settle.

They are much tougher to themselves from now on,
They do not know the pain and efforts to overcome themselves,
Do not suffer from pride, they will survive in the desert,
They will make candy to bring back the desired look.

They are used to competition and perpetual motion
Wake up early and come after midnight
And step by step they strive for their goals and achievements,
They go their own way and have not looked for help for a long time.

And you can never call them weak,
They know exactly what they fantasize and dream about,
Use their own strengths and factors
Only they understand the whole truth and benefits of sport.
