I got sense of humour

I've just came to your town,
which means here I am new;
But I got sense of humour
I can share it with you.

There used to be some people,
whom I have outlived,
bcoz I have sense of humour,
which they did not believe.

Look into a mirror -
see, you nothing but a joke
And how would you know that
If there's none for you to mock?

Stop looking to the mirror,
Try to make me smile
See? you need a sense of humour
You'll get it in a while.

Of course, there is a price for it,
we pay for all, ain't we?
I got my sense of humour -
I want you smile to me.

Привет, Джей! Это Максимович. Я снова пишу стихи. Прошу отзыва.
Спасибо :-)

Бурко Алексей   11.08.2015 08:57     Заявить о нарушении
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