Unsent letter

I remember you constantly from an early age,
When I was hot and so impatient
My love for you was a big secret
I didn’t let you go, even then I was jealous.

You turned the idea of ;;;;life,
And inspired with her energy and passion,
Only about you my thoughts were filled,
I have always considered myself a part of your universe.

And everything was burning and forever blazing constantly,
Emotions inside were at their peak and on edge,
We soon had to part unexpectedly,
You said that I will come to life again free.

I survived all the pain and my disappointment
Energy rushed to the explosion, overcoming everything,
And even then he was constantly tormented in despair,
I remember you as a true spring.

You set that vector so that I was not afraid of anything,
And he went towards his feelings and his heart,
And even in terrible situations, I never got lost,
After all, once before I easily crossed the darkness.
