Take off the Veil!

I would like to say thanks to the author Lyudmila Reznikova!

For inspiration! Through our communion I found out that ...
                                     ... The Soul has a Face!
Because she took off... the VEIL of Doubts from the Face of my Soul!
That's great!

So aphorisms are being borned...
          In my opinion, a great saying:

She took off the Veil of Doubts from the Face of my Soul!

          Or, for example (a variant for men):

He took off the Veil of Doubts from the Face of my Soul!

P.S. In search of the image in the internet I've found still a great saying:

Tattoos are veils under which you hide the deficiency of your personality!

And that ... And that's true! Don't wear the VEIL!

По-русски: http://www.stihi.ru/2015/05/25/10007
