ЗНО, англiйська, writing, приклади

  You've got a letter from your English pen-friend. In his/her letter he/she describes his/her impressions of visiting festival of modern pop-music. Write a letter to your pen-friend and say
- what kind of music you like best
- how your favorite kind of music makes you feel
- what your parents think about your musical preferences

   Dear Jessica,
   Hi! It was great to receive your letter and to learn the latest news!
   I clearly realize you were very impressed by visiting festival.
   Well, we have obviously (apparently, probably) got a lot in common. I am also crazy about pop - music and my favourite band is One Direction, too! They are cool!
   One more thing I would like to say is my favourite singer is Dima Bilan. I enjoy his songs because of his beautiful voice. Unfortunately, I have never been to his concerts but I would love to.
   Like for most people, music is an important part of my life. When I listen to my favorite music, it makes me feel different. On the one hand it can improve my mood, so I can feel myself happy even after a hard day. On the other hand music helps me focus better on my own thoughts.
   As for my parents, they are against all I listen to, though my uncle loves my taste.
   Hope to hear from you soon.
   Best wishes (All the best),
