Time and Life

How much sometimes I wish to peep into the keyhole
Of that for ever closed door,
Which stands between what's now and then,
So tightly locked, although the key I have.

The path of life is long or may be not.
It winds, forks, abruptly stops,
               but never goes it straight enough.
You follow it. But there will be definitely once
When "What is to become?" will suddenly arise.

See how worthless seems the Time
When one looks deep into the sky.
Like a feather I grow light
And plunge into the night.

Beyond the stars I travel fast.
Once tiny planets seem so large.
Let's walk across the Milky Way
And catch a comet by its tail!

Is there through or probably across
A travel in the Universe?
No bounds to be kept within?
No limits one cannot exceed?

Why then, the part of it, we build
The world of walls of brick?
Like a stone I swiftly fall
And find myself eternity below.

The moment NOW you live is far more precious
Than anything you might see THEN.
Eplore the life and be adventurous!
Do not forget the Time is truly ticking quick.
